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Emptying of ship's decks has commenced

11 months after the fire on Dec 28, 2014, aboard the "Norman Atlantic", work has begun at Bari docks to empty the wreck. The purpose of the work, which was expected to last several weeks, was not only to clear any responsibilities for the shipwreck, which cost 11 people their lives, but also, if possible, to find the bodies of the other 18 passengers still missing. Bari magistrates will have to establish whether conditions at sea were so bad as to have made a crossing inadvisable and whether the vessel was carrying all the necessary emergency equipment, and if so whether it was all functioning correctly. At the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, investigations have been under way on board for several months to ascertain the cause of the fire and how the various stages of the rescue operation were managed. Work to remove the cars started on Nov 29 and was starting on deck 5, the outermost one, and was to continue in the coming weeks. The cars, which were completely destroyed by fire and beyond recovery, will be disposed of right away. The most difficult part will be to empty decks 3 and 4 , where investigators believe the fire may have broken out and which may contain evidence and human remains. In the inquiry, coordinated by prosecuting attorneys Ettore Cardinali and Federico Perrone Capano, 12 people are under investigation on charges of criminal negligence causing shipwreck, multiple manslaughter and personal injury, involving hundreds of injured parties. The charges are being brought against the two lawyers representing the Greek Annek company, which leased the ferry, an employee of the same firm - the so-called "super cargo" in charge of embarkation - ship-owner Carlo Visentini, the ship's captain Argilio Giocomazzi and seven crewmembers.

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New evidence regarding fire

New evidence regarding the circumstances surrounding the fire on the "Norman Atlantic" on Dec 28, 2014, which led to the deaths of 11 people, has emerged following a preliminary report compiled by Italy’s Transport Ministry. 18 people remained missing one year on. There was evidence suggesting that the wrong fire extinguishing system was activated after the blaze started on the ferry’s car deck which would also explain why the ship’s captain, Argilio Giacomazzi, was heard asking seven times in the space of a few minutes whether or not the fire extinguishing system was operating after the blaze was detected. The investigation into the incident has been extended for another six months.


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