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Nulla di navale, ma sempre una storia interessante, dal tablet nn riesco a postare l'intero articolo e il video, sicuramente qualche Socio Lacustre provvederà! ;-)
"The wreck of thee DUKW sunk in Italy will be recovered – could hold the remains of 24 soldiers
The mission will be entrusted to the Garda Volunteers, who had already come forward with a detailed plan of recovery. They will perform recovery operations in cooperation with the divers of the Fire Department of Riva. They will use to do this, a couple of ROVs, which are small robots equipped with completely mobile underwater camera systems that are controlled from the surface, Marco Fusato from Garda Volunteers, has said. The Museum of the War of Rovereto is willing to cooperate in the recovery, although they don’t have a suitable place to accommodate the hull, which measures eleven meters long and three in width. Probably, the exhibition space will be on the Rivano Coast, or alternatively in the Lietzmann Torbole square , places both where the DUKW will be visible to the public, protected by a glass case. “The most important thing – Marco Fusato says – is that the wreck will be remain on the territory. In the past other museums had advanced the candidacy, but it is an important piece of history of the lake, which must remain in the Benacense district”.
Articolo tratto da: https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/wreck-of-thee-dukw-sunk-in-italy-will-be-recovered-could-hold-the-remains-of-24-soldiers.html/2
Il video realizzato dai Volontari del Garda:


Edited by Corto Maltese
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